Ascension Athletic Association requires all families to volunteer for a 4-hour volunteer shift during the fall through spring sports seasons (school year) May 1st - April 30th. ONE WORK DUTY PER FAMILY is required, regardless of the number of children or the number of sports played. Families have the option when registering to pay a buyout fee of $200 that will cover all kids AND all sports for that sports/school year.
Exemptions to the requirement are:
** NOTE: it is the responsibility of the individual to register as a coach to be listed on the Official Roster, as well as complete the coaching requirements for the work duty to be approved.
If you choose NOT to do the buyout, then an adult representative from your family is expected to serve 4 hours in a volunteer role.
You will be assessed the $200 buyout fee IF:
Please help us ensure you get credit for your shift by....
NOTE: A shift cancelled due to weather, forfeiture or other reason beyond our control will not count for work duty credit. These games will be rescheduled and we will still need help! Please choose another shift on the signup link.
If you have any questions, please contact the Work Duty Director or Work Duty Scheduler
This Sign Up Genius link will be updated frequently with volunteer opportunities.
View Ascension Work Duty
A status of "TRUE" means you have met your family requirement for the school year. We are volunteers as well, so it may take a little time for your completed work duty to post. Thanks for your help!
Work Duty Volunteers Links